Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Getting Back to Business

The 2012 triathlon season is getting underway, and I couldn't be more excited!  I registered for another race, the Playtri Festival in June.  It will be my first Olympic of the season. Last  year I did the sprint distance at that race. I made some nutrition mistakes on the bike and paid for it on the run, but my swim went pretty well.  The swim is actually in a nasty cannal, so I'll have to make sure I'm up to date on all my shots and don't have any open cuts. I still haven't decided on my first sprint of the season. Guess I should get on top of that.

Last year I spent the first few months of training without a coach.  I never knew if I was doing too little, too much, or just plain doing it wrong.  I didn't even know enough to question if I was on the right  track.  I just showed up to as many workouts as I could that my tri group was hosting.   That plan seemed to be working fine until I decided I wanted to do a half Ironman.  After talking with many fellow triathletes who obviously knew more than I, it was clear that I needed a coach.  It was the best decision I made last season.

My original plan was to start back with my coach in May to begin getting ready for the Ironman, but I've decided that I need to start in April instead.  To be honest, I'm kind of lost without my coach.  I miss having someone layout my weekly workout schedule.  When he puts it together, I follow it.  I also look at everything else I  need to squeeze into my week and plan accordingly.  I'm much better at time management when I'm not the manager of my time. Trying to figure out my own training schedule each week is for the birds. I know a lot of triathletes do just fine without a coach, but I'm not one of them.

It was nice not having a training plan to follow...for a little while...but it's time to get back to business.  I'm ready for 12, 14, and even 16 hour training weeks!  I still have one more month on my own, but I'm sure I'll survive.

I thought I'd throw in one of my favorite videos. It always makes me laugh...mostly because I know I sound like this sometimes.

"If God created marathons to keep people from doing anything more stupid, triathlon must have taken Him completely by surprise." ~ P.Z. Pearce


  1. I totally agree. My life is so much easier with a coach. I don't have to think about what I need to do I just look on my schedule and there it is. If only I could have a coach for other things...it might help me get the laundry done and clean the bathrooms.

    1. I never thought of having a chore coach! Great idea:)
