Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Not-So-Glamorous Life

I've embraced triathlon into my life and all that comes with it.  The training makes me feel great, and I'm toning areas of my body I didn't know I had. I also love the comradrey of other triathletes. There are, however, some not-so-glamorous aspects of this sport that I thought I'd share with you.  If you are a triathlete, I'm sure you can relate. 

1. I often smell like chlorine.  I shower after practice, but sometimes the smell lingers. 

2.  After a long run or bike workout I'm usually covered with salt. It's  the closest thing I get to microderm abrasion. It can feel like sandpaper on my eyelids when I blink.  As my hair dries, the salt makes my hair feel crunchy.  It reminds me of the days when I would curl my bangs with a curling iron and spray them down with Aqua Net hair spray.  I liked mine really "crunchy."  Stop laughing...everyone was doing it back then. 

3.  Running keeps things "moving"!  No need to try to add more fiber to my diet...I just go for a run. 

4.  My tan lines could put a zebra to shame.  I have tan lines from my bike/tri shorts, swimsuit, and various cycling/tri tops.  Last years' tan lines from my bike shorts never fully went away before I began working on them again this season. 

5.  Forget sleeping in.  The best training sessions are early in the morning. 5:30 AM swim anyone? Even on the weekend I am usually up by 5:00 or 5:30.

6.  I'm ALWAYS hungry.  I can put away a lot of food in a day.  My portions aren't big, but I eat ALL day long.  See my previous entry, "Hungry Girl" for more details.

7. My neighbors think I'm crazy.  I wonder what goes through their heads when they see me practicing  my transitions in the driveway?

8.  When nature calls, it doesn't leave a message, and a proper bathroom isn't always available.  If you're not willing to pee outside from time to time, this sport isn't for you.

9. Chaffing! That's probably all you want to know. I have an assortment of products to prevent and treat this problem. 

10.  Gear has taken over my house, car, and bank account.  I try to take all my gear out of my car when I get home, but something always get left behind.  There is triathlon stuff all over my house.  I think the guest bathroom is currently the only room that doesn't have any of my gear in it.  Because I'm training in three different sports, I am always in need of something. I would hate to add up what I've spent on this sport this year.

I absolutely love what I am doing and wouldn't trade any part of the sport. I'll gladly accept the tan lines, chaffing, early morning workouts, and smelling like chlorine if it  means I get to keep tri-ing.

"You have to wonder at times what  you're doing out there....but it always comes back to where it started.  It comes down to self-satisfaction and a sense of accomplishment." - Steve Prefontaine

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