Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Wrenches in My Plan

Over the past two weeks a couple of wrenches were thrown into my training.  The first wrench came in the form of some nasty cold/sinus/upper respiratory crud.  It's been years I've been this sick.  I never get sick!  This made training very difficult.  I managed to keep up my swimming, but I wasn't able to get all my running in.  Unfortunately I wasn't able to get any biking in.

Early last week I was beginning to feel well enough to run again.  There were a few days after work when the sun was out and the temperatures were in the 70s.  I, and slew of fellow runners and triathletes, took to the running trails.  It was so nice to see so many others enjoying the beautiful training weather.  We weren't stuck indoors on treadmill!  You would think we had been cooped up for years by the way we were acting.  We were all smiling and waving and offering friendly  greeting to one another as we passed.  No, we didn't know each other (personally), but we were all sporting our accolades in the form of race shirts, hats, and visors so we knew we were with "our kind."  I even had the privilege of exchanging pleasantries with a fellow Ironman Arizona competitor.  When I ran by him I knew he was an Ironman by the M-dot tattoo (accolade)on his calf.  I wanted to stop and chat with him with, but I had some running to do.  Later, when I turned around, I found myself coming face to face with this Ironman.  Before I could ask him what Ironman he had done he asked me what Ironman I was training for.  I'm pretty sure the Ironman 70.3 visor (accolade) I was sporting gave me away.  He told me he done Hawaii and Arizona numerous times and would be back in Arizona this year.  Hopefully I'll see this man again.  My friend, Iron Dave, told me that that guy I encountered was his buddy, George.

Just as I was feeling like I could resume my full training, the second wrench reared it's ugly head.  As I left work on Friday I wasn't feeling great.  Within minutes of getting home I knew I was the victim of food poisoning or the stomach bug.  I'm almost 100% sure it was the latter.  I spent the next 24 hours feeling horrible, but I'll spare you the details!  It's been five days and I'm just starting to feel somewhat normal.  My appetite isn't completely back, but it's getting there.  I even managed to work out for the first time today.  I swam this morning and got a short run in this evening.  My swim was good, but my run felt great.  It was only two miles, but my pace was faster than normal.  I guess this means I'm back in business! This past weekend I was supposed to get my 7 mile long run in, but I guess it will have to wait until this weekend.

My immune system has been really good to me for the past few years.  It took some time off about 5 years ago, so I can't really blame it for wanting a break now.  I hope it understands that the first race of the season, The Rock-n-Roll half marathon, is coming up next month so it's time to get back to work.  While I haven't signed up for any spring triathlons, I'm still hoping to get my first one in by late April or early May.  That's also the time that I'll officially begin my Ironman training with my coach.  I can't wait!

I'm pretty sure that life with throw more wrenches my way this season, but I'll just deal with them and move on. No one said this was going to be easy, but they did say it would be worth it.

A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty. ~ Winston Churchill


  1. Definitely worth it...for sure. And let's face it, if you are going to get sick the best time is now...rather than 2 weeks out from IM. Sounds like you are on the mend...hoping for a speedy recovery for you :-)

  2. Thanks Donna. You're right, this IS the best time to get sick. Hope your training is going well:)
