Fast forward five chiropractors and a year later. On the recommendation of another triathlete I began seeing my current chiropractor, Ron. I made the switch around the time I began feeling a pain near the heal of my left foot. He uses a technique known as ART (Active Release Technique). I wasn't sure what to expect. He began pressing down on the inside of my shin while I moved my foot up and down and tried my best not to cry out four letter words or kick him in the face. I'm not going to lie, it hurt! He also gave me one of the best adjustments I've ever had, so I was able to forgive the pain he caused. My previous chiropractor adjusted me a few days earlier, but Ron seemed to do it better. He put my hips and ribs, yes, I have ribs out of place, back where they belonged. The soreness began to set in shortly after I left the office. I could actually feel that my hip had moved. It wasn't painful, but it was noticeable.
I've been seeing Ron for 3 weeks and cannot believe the difference it has made. After one session the pain in my foot was significantly better. Now, it's almost nonexistent. We're still working on a knot on the back of my shoulder where the ribs are out of place. The knot has been there for years and causes neck pain and head aches. The massage therapist in the office, Mary, is also helping with this. This is not the kind of relaxing massage you look forward to. It's like paying someone to beat the crap out of you for 30 minutes. I tried to relax and breath, but we all know that it doesn't really help. I'm going to see her again next week after my triathlon. Hopefully the pain I feel during the race will help to prepare me for the stabbing pain of Mary's elbow being jammed into my back.
I know people have mixed feeling about chiropractors. I view them as any other doctor...there are good ones and bad ones. It's also not a one size fits all kind of thing. Like I said, I saw several chiropractors before finding the right one for ME, and it has made all the difference. Yes, there have been some "uncomfortable" moments, but typically the techniques they use don't really hurt. There is no way I could make it through the next 100 days of training for Austin 70.3 without my chiropractor.
"Pain is weakness leaving your body." USMC
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